Running Order:0.20
] Voxpop: “What do you think of drivers?” answers mixed together
] Title: Road/motorway sign (roundabout), FIRST GEAR - opening
] Voiceover introduces it, someone walking into test centre – tracking shot
] Archive of Highway Code, leaflets, stats from questionnaire – still and zoom
] Interview with test centre person, “both genders + all ages” – conventional frame - Graphic, text, displays name and relevance to topic
] Someone getting into learner car , crab shot– tracking or pan
] Conventional framing of interview with instructor – audio carries on over next image - Graphic, text, displays name and relevance to topic
] Stock footage, lanes of traffic, fast motion, traffic lights, zooms
] MCU Interview with Andrea, cross cut with Laura, cutaways/ in car with them, stereo, pub? -Graphic, text, displays name and relevance to topic
] Archive of alcohol, drink driving, distraction leaflets. Then interview with RAF – cutaways of pan of RAF office and leaflets (archive) – Graphic, text, displays name and relevance to topic
] Stock footage at RAF base, officers driving around?
] Voiceover explains driving as a profession – Emergency services, St John’s Ambulance – film vehicle. Interview with driver – explain rules of driving for the services- Graphic, text, displays name and relevance to topic
] Does and Don’ts footage – CU, long shots, MCU –Voiceover anchors demonstrations. Alcohol, distractions, safety check, archive of posters and DVLA advert – promote speed awareness
] Becky Elliott interview – conventional – teacher – fitness of riding a bike instead of driving – cutaways of bikes, her riding bike, pan of gym and CU of fitness posters (tracking) - Graphic, text, displays name and relevance to topic
] Interview with fitness coach – how important is it? (Recommended amount of exercise) - Graphic, text, displays name and relevance to topic
] ECU of fitness ratings – cardiovascular rates, gym apparatus and the bikes
] Archive clip of cyclists Tour De France, news. Cross cuts to drag race and formula one footage. Sound – introduce Hamilton over the microphone– images of cars
] Interview with Lewis Hamilton, archive of his success, ECU of his sponsors, CU of car, slow motion edit of him winning formula one - Graphic, text, displays name and relevance to topic
] Recap of topics before the break. Voiceover and sound effects. Cross cuts, between stock fooage and interviews graphics of a timeline, rewind effect from formula one – car racer – driver – learner driver. Brake SFX sound, image of title in road sign impacts the screen, representing emergency stop. Fast action
] Brake SFX sound, image of title in road sign impacts the screen representing emergency stop –fast motion
] Voiceover, quick recap – Interview of learner driver explaining the thrill they get from driving, who they aspire to be like? – MCU - Graphic, text, displays name and relevance to topic
] Archive footage – crosscuts, successful of Jeremy Clarkson, newspaper articles, clips, and his voice?
] Establishing wide shot of BBC studios; tracking of POV shot – fast motion – enter studios – walk around – focus, CU of Top Gear notice board. Fast motion edit into room, pan of studio.
] After pan, cross cut to show footage to create a sequence that jumps from the room being empty and then full
] Long shot of Clarkson sitting in chair, MCU – conventional interview – how do you feel to be an idol? What’s so great about cars? What’s the career like, fun? – - Graphic, text, displays name and relevance to topic - cross cut and the audio carries on over images of his cars and TV footage.
] Graphics – careers in driving – dissolve over each other
] Cross cut of types and makes of cars – voiceover of audio of Vauxhall manager interview, Vauxhall car advert as archive footage
] Voiceover carries on careers – shell Garage Company. Interview MCU with owner - Graphic, text, displays name and relevance to topic
] Interview with motorcyclist – why did you learn? MCU - Graphic, text, displays name and relevance to topic
] Interview in MCU of Arriva bus company driver and Mersey rail interview – cross cuts with images of logos in CU and zoom - Graphic, text, displays name and relevance to topic
] Graphics – careers involving driving, that are less obvious...? – Submarine (underwater driving), archive of missions, photos as archive of underwater explorations – equipment pan and zoom. Interview with Submarine driver, MCU, why this type of driving?
] Phone Interview National Express – pan of station with buses in, logo in CU
] Archive footage NASA – voiceover, info about this exploration
] The Doc in Liverpool – workies – pan and zoom, CU of vans – fast motion track
] Graphics – stats of careers involving driving, cross cut CU of leaner plate, to driving licence and papers, to pilots and official licences. Graphic of text “Your driving can take you anywhere”.
] Voxpop – first question repeated – answer = “They open doors to opportunities”
] Title – FIRST GEAR – superimpose another text “Put it into 5th”. Still – foreshadows life ahead of you