Documentary - 5 Minute commentary
Here is a prezi creation illustrating a few examples of how our documentary follows conventions compared to real media products:
Radio Trailer
Print Advert
Our print advert :

Professional one :
I believe we have followed the conventions thoroughly in terms of the print advert, we have tried our best to make the advert striking, versatile and similar to the professional one above.
- The size of our advert is an A4 Landscape, so that potentially it could be scaled to different scales including that of a billboard. This is the same layout to the professional advert.
- The background is of only one image, this image has been made striking and interesting. Our audience feedback showed us that they were a little confused with the association between the chains and learning to drive. However they agreed that they were intrigued.
- In our attempt to follow the convention relating to summing up the documentary using one image, we tried to suggest that learning to drive was a difficult process and a heavy load to take on. It is seen to be another hurdle to beat, and we wanted to convey the feelings of being 'chained' or weighed down with nerves for example, when about to start learning to drive.
- The text, conventionally is the title, the slogan, scheduling and the company logo. All of which can be found on our advert, when compared to a typical, real ITV1 advert.