Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Ancillary: Radio Extracts & Their Conventions

Weather Trailer
Content =
-Sound effects of different weather, sounded like he was there
-John Kettley BBC weatherman, voiceover
-Female Voiceover at the end, gave scheduling information. It was just the voice and no effects
-Humour in the script
-In the edit, the sound effect levels were loud in some points
-Average 30 secs

Content =
-Voiceover of man
-They made an inaccurate representation

Last Chance To See
Content =
-Music bed of piano, gentle and soothing
-Sound effects
-Male voiceover (Stephen Fry), talking about the subjects in the series, calm delivery
-Female Voiceover on it's own, with scheduling
-Juxtaposition, calm delievery and harsh story
-Average 41 secs

Speical Needs Pets (FOCUS ON THIS EXAMPLE!)
Content =
-Whistling, music bed, quirky music
-clips of people from the programme (VoxPop?), owners of pets, extracts
-Spund effects (dog, bell on collar, animal noises)
-Female Voiceover, scheduling information, music bed throughout, she speaks throughout intercutting between extracts. The Voiceover poses questions for the audience, intrigues them
- Average 30 to 40 secs

International Programme
Content =
-Music bed
-Voices, speaking different languages, links with narrative
-Male Voiceover, English speaking at the end, gives scheduling
-Average 30 secs