Friday, 5 November 2010

Filming: Interview with Laura Woods (driver)

We followed our original sketches of the framing of Laura's interview. We created a mise-en-scene inside of her car, with her facing towards the passenger seat and sitting in the drivers seat. Her arm is placed on the steering wheel to add variety to the frame.

Her eyeline is three quarters of the way down the frame, and her positioning is correct and is opposite to the interviewer.

We advised Laura to repeat the question in her answers so that her answers would make sense after editing the questions out later on.

We were happy with this interview because she gave varied answers and was enthusiastic to help us.

However a negative point maybe that there is natural light in the background but we had to film during midday because if we would have waited till after school it would have been completely dark. Also, because of the wind the air freshener is blowing slightly, but we wanted to include this to improve the mise-en-scene and feel of the car being hers.
The pictures taken where lost because they weren't uploaded right away, but here is a screenshot of the framing of the interview on Adobe Premiere.